Easy Behavior Changes to Save Energy

By Miranda Boutelle Q: I want to lower my energy use, but I don’t know where to start. How can I find out how much energy I use? How can I save energy? You can change your energy use by changing your behavior. When looking at electric bills, many people focus on the total dollar […]
Turbine Recycling Advancements

The wind industry is facing the growing challenge of finding ways to dispose of turbine parts. Nearly 85% of turbine components — steel, copper wire, electronics — can be reused and repurposed, according to Bloomberg Green, but there’s always been the dilemma about what to do with the difficult-to-transport and tough-to-recycle fiberglass blades. Wind turbines […]
CoBank: No Barriers Warriors Program Renewed

CoBank, a cooperative bank serving agribusinesses, rural infrastructure providers and Farm Credit associations throughout the United States, renewed its No Barriers Warriors program for rural veterans with disabilities. In partnership with Colorado-based nonprofit No Barriers USA, CoBank sponsors a series of four expeditions each year, covering the full cost of participation for up to 50 […]
Hello Hydropower Energy

By Kylee Coleman Electricity generated from hydropower tells an interesting story about today’s energy trends that’s deeper than just water flowing over a dam. It’s a story about a renewable resource that once generated nearly a third of the nation’s electricity — a share that has declined dramatically over the decades with the rise of […]
Fish Overpopulation Can Equal Tasty Supper

By Dennis Smith I think it’s safe to say that, barring the inevitable random poacher, most anglers today almost automatically practice catch-and-release fishing wherever the law requires and, in some places, even where it doesn’t. If they didn’t, there wouldn’t be many fish left in our lakes and streams. I’ll never forget the first time […]
What are Seed Libraries?

By Vicki Spencer, Master Gardener While serving on Gunnison County Library’s Board of Directors, I participated in plans to build a new, modern facility to replace the overcrowded house we had been renting just off Main Street. It was a monumental effort that included engaging the community, assessing needs, soliciting architectural designs as well as […]
2023 Photo Contest Winners

In its basic simplicity, the four colors of our state flag come together to represent everything that makes Colorado…well…“Colorado.” When flying high, our flag invokes the feeling and experience of our endless blue skies; the 300-plus days of sunshine we enjoy; the white bands of snow along the Rockies; and the always impressive and inspiring […]