Is it Time for an HVAC Upgrade?

A person in a blue sweater adjusts or installs a wall-mounted air conditioning unit indoors.

Heat pump technology has improved a lot over the past 10–20 years and can be up to 20% more efficient than traditional HVAC systems. Today, heat pumps can operate effectively in subzero weather by switching to electric resistance mode. In extreme cold climates, it may be worth investing in a dual-fuel system where propane or […]

Beat the Peak and Create a Better Grid

Finger pressing the eco mode button on a dishwasher control panel, with the appliance door slightly open and some dishes visible inside.

Q: What does “peak energy time” mean, and why should I use less energy at home? A: “Beat the peak” has become a common message as the demand for electricity grows year after year. Your electric co-op must deliver around-the-clock electricity to power your life. To understand why it is important for everyone to use […]

No-Bake Special K® Cookies

Close-up of several cornflake clusters on a white surface. The clusters are irregularly shaped and appear to be coated with a light-colored substance.

CO-OP COOKIE SWAP A holiday cookie swap is a fun and easy way to stock your kitchen with a variety of seasonal goodies without having to do all the baking yourself. This month we collaborated with Colorado electric co-op employees for a virtual cookie recipe swap. These tried-and-true recipes will get you started on your […]