Types of Heat Pumps

Wall-mounted white air conditioning unit with control panel, situated next to a wooden cabinet.

Q: My heating system is more than 10 years old, and I want to switch to a heat pump. Can you help me choose the best option for my home? A: Heat pumps have been around for decades, and in that time, the technology has come a long way. In my opinion, they could use […]

Peachy Keen

A s'more with grilled peaches, melted chocolate, a toasted marshmallow, and basil leaves between two graham crackers, on a blue wooden surface.

Juicy Palisade peaches are a true summer delight. If you don’t live close to Palisade, then you look forward to seeing the roadside stands pop up across Colorado this time of year. Growers keep busy selling crates of the flavorful and delicious fruit grown on the Western Slope. And fruit enthusiasts keep busy buying and […]