One Tough Lady

Elderly woman with white hair stands in a grassy field, wearing a blue top and jeans. Barns and hills are visible in the background.

Reflections on family and a fulfilling career at the Buena Vista Correctional Facility Don’t ask Connie Hatfield if she’s ever planning to slow down. You’ll hear a resounding “no!” In many ways she’s even more busy today than when she worked full time, including nearly 30 years as a corrections officer at the Buena Vista […]

Allium Amore

A cluster of purple allium flowers in full bloom under sunlight with a blurred natural background.

I’ve always loved science, so when a high school counselor encouraged me to take Latin, I agreed. It was the common language for scientific work in the Middle Ages and was used to name species of organisms. In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus continued using Latin when he established his system of binomial nomenclature to […]