A Savory Way to Start Holiday Celebrations

Three cheese balls coated with chopped cranberries and nuts, seeds, and parsley, arranged on a white plate.

These Savory Cheese Balls are not only simple to make but perfect for any holiday gathering or celebration. They’re colorful, flavorful, fun to create, and even more enjoyable to dive in to. Texture and color are the name of the game with this recipe. The result is a beautiful array of red, gold, and green, […]

Sparky – The Adventure of the Colorado Electric Co-op Elf on the Shelf

Elf doll leaning against a wooden pole, with a utility truck and power lines in the background.

’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Except for dear Sparky, our Elf on the Shelf — He was sneaking and spying, outdoing himself. See, Sparky was given a task for the year To visit the co-ops and bring silly cheer. He flew […]