Cotton: A New Crop Woven into Bent County
Thank a cotton farmer if you’re wearing a comfy pair of blue jeans. Or thank Bent County farmer and Southeast Colorado Power Association member Caleb Wertz. His family has farmed in Bent County for multiple generations but never tried cotton until this year. He wanted to try a new crop in his rotation that wasn’t […]
Understanding Factors That Impact Your Energy Bills
March can bring some of the coldest weather that we experience all year, and as our home and business heating systems work harder and longer to keep us warm, we typically see higher energy bills. There are a few key factors that affect electricity prices, as well as a few ways you can make a […]
An Edge for Grand Valley Power Members
Grand Valley Power members expect their cooperative to deliver electricity they can count on, at an affordable cost. Members want their cooperative to be environmentally responsible. This sounds pretty simple. But in today’s chaotic world where we deal with escalating costs, unreliable supply chains, erratic markets, and regulatory pressures from all directions, it is anything […]
People, Not Profit
Mission statements are useful in focusing an organization’s activity. Empire Electric Association’s mission statement was thoughtfully written to ensure we remember what we do and for whom we do it. Our primary mission is to meet the electrical energy needs of our member-owners in a safe, responsible, and reliable manner. But the focus is always […]
Electrical Safety: Grounding 101

Q: What is grounding, and why is it important? A: Many people believe if an electrical device is working, then it must be hooked up to a properly wired outlet. Be aware that some electronics will operate even if connected improperly, but this can severely injure the user. To ensure your hair dryer, clothes dryer, […]
Co-ops Innovate with Energy Storage Solutions

Like every electric utility in Colorado, your local electric cooperative is managing a lot of change right now. State policies are phasing out the old workhorse of electrical generation — coal-fired power plants — and rapidly expanding wind and solar power, which have many benefits but only produce electricity when the wind blows or the […]
Playing Solitaire

A bird call pierces the crisp morning air near my cabin in the Poudre Canyon. “Ping! Ping! Ping!” Living on my own, I enjoy getting to know my wildlife neighbors, large and small. They are fascinating company. The high-pitched note rings out repeatedly, like an invitation, as I walk my dog down our dirt lane. […]
Dolores: Small Town, Big Charm

Delores, Colorado, is a small town in a canyon bordered by rock cliffs and the Delores River that feeds directly into the McPhee Resevoir. The river was named by Spanish priests in 1776 during their journey to California, calling it Rio de Nuestra de las Delores – the River of Our Lady of Sorrows. The […]