Recycle Your Christmas Tree

Your Christmas tree provided weeks of fragrant bliss and holiday cheer, so don’t just toss it on the curb with the trash. Recycle it. Several organizations throughout Colorado will recycle your tree through curbside pickup or at drop-off recycling centers.

If your areas does not provide such services, there are still ways to make use of your Christmas tree. If you have the means and equipment, grind up your tree and use the shreds as mulch in your garden. The National Christmas Tree Association says the trees can create soil erosion barriers and walking path boundaries, and are great refuge for fish when sunk into a private pond.

The NCTA also suggests placing your tree somewhere out of the way on your property to provide birds sanctuary, shelter and a feeding ground. Just remove all decorations and occasionally sprinkle the tree with fruit slices and other bird-friendly foods. When the tree becomes brittle, put it in a chipper for mulch or break it apart and dispose in your yard waste container.

Visit for more ideas.