Thriving Plants, All Year Long

Master greenhouse gardening For years my daily walks would take me past backyard greenhouse. In winter, I was drawn to brilliantly colored flowers protected from the snow glistening outside. I often dreamed of the day when I could afford to build my own glass greenhouse. Flash forward a few decades. Now there are many affordable […]
Variegated Plants

Variegated plants are hard to resist with their strikingly colorful leaves. Patterns are created in stripes, speckles, dots, and delicately trimmed edges. There are so many different colors and patterns, it’s hard to choose among them. There’s no limit to how many designs you might select for houseplants, but you will need to be more […]
Hydroponics: Bring Water to Life

Ask anyone familiar with hydroponic gardening and they are likely to tell you it’s the wave of the future. As the world’s population increases and pressure on Earth’s resources is pushed toward the extreme, hydroponics offers a sustainable alternative. Hydroponic production does not require acres of premier farmland for growing plants. Since it relies upon […]
Allium Amore

I’ve always loved science, so when a high school counselor encouraged me to take Latin, I agreed. It was the common language for scientific work in the Middle Ages and was used to name species of organisms. In the 18th century, Carolus Linnaeus continued using Latin when he established his system of binomial nomenclature to […]
Feeding Your Garden with Kitchen Scraps

Did you know the Environmental Protection Agency estimates consumers in the United States generate over 4 pounds of trash per day on average? That’s nearly 1,500 pounds each year. Even more stunning is how much of that waste is food. Nearly one third of our food — ranging from leftovers to spoiled produce — is […]
Palisade Peaches and Planting Your Own Fruit Trees

I learned at a young age that the best peaches in the world are grown in Palisade. Every August our family hit the road to continue our exploration of the West. Every time we’d pass through Palisade, we would load the car with bushels of fresh peaches. After a brief hiatus, Palisade is bringing back […]
Reblooming Perennials – Garden beauty all season long

Perennials that add beauty year after year are preferred plants for my yard. I think of them as the gifts that keep on giving. Not only do they perform faithfully every year, they often bloom over and over during their growing season. Regardless of whether you are starting a new garden or filling in an […]
Stay Safe in Extreme Heat

With temperatures already reaching triple digits this summer, remember to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses. Most heat-related cases occur in June and July. TIPS TO STAY COOL Stay in an air-conditioned area when possible. If your home does not have air conditioning, go to a shopping mall, library, or other community building that does. […]
Volunteering Together to Build Friendships and Strengthen Bonds

Volunteering has always been a big part of Shelley Brosnan’s life, whether she was serving in her children’s school or in their Fairfax, Va., community. When Brosnan retired, increasing her volunteer efforts was a natural next step. Serving with Volunteer Fairfax, an AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP program, she spends about 10 hours a week teaching new […]
Nurturing the Mental Health of Young Children

The earliest years of children’s lives lay the foundation for their social and emotional well-being, setting the stage for success in school and beyond. For parents, caregivers and educators, it’s crucial to prioritize and nurture the mental health of children in their care. Dr. Lauren Loquasto, senior vice president and chief academic officer at The […]