Curly Paper Wreaths

What You Need:
• 10-inch wreath form (use the dense, smooth, green Styrofoam)
• 300 straight pins with small heads
• 8 12X12 double sided sheets of scrapbooking paper
• bone folder
• 32-inch ribbon & 14-inch ribbon

This is a fun and easy wreath that can be created in any color combination. Start by cutting the paper into ½-inch strips. (Test the first strip to see if it curls easily. Cutting the other direction might provide a better curl to the paper.) Curl each paper strip using a bone folder. (Available at craft supply stores.) Curl from the middle out toward each end, creating a double curl. (Sometimes a softer touch with the bone folder results in a better curl. Practice helps.)

Then use the stick pins to fasten the curls to the Styrofoam form, pushing the pin through the center of the curled paper. Before filling in the final piece of the wreath form, wrap the longer ribbon around the open area of the wreath, matching its ends.

Take the shorter ribbon and tie it around the first ribbon in a bow about 2 inches from the end, creating a ribbon hanger. Snip the ends. Finish filling in the form, add a bow or the decorations of your choice and your wreath is ready for the door.

(Caution: DIY wreaths are addicting. Here are just a few more examples of Curly Paper Wreaths created by Colorado Country Life staff.)