DIY Tuneup tips for cooling systems

Q: I have my central air conditioner and furnace serviced every few years to keep them running efficiently. Is there anything I can do to the air conditioner myself on the off years to improve its efficiency? A: There are several things you can do yourself to keep a central air conditioner or heat pump […]
Celebrate Earth Day and Take Steps to Conserve

Earth Day is April 22, a time when we celebrate this beautiful planet we are lucky to call home. During this day of appreciation, I encourage you to take action at home by making changes to conserve energy. If we all contribute, even small adjustments and changes to how much energy we use can have […]
Fast Facts About Lineworkers

You probably don’t think about them until your power goes out, but electric lineworkers protect our homes and communities 24/7. Like other first responders who keep us safe, lineworkers endure all kinds of weather and challenging conditions. On April 18, we celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day to honor the people who power life. Here are some […]
Electric Co-ops and First Responders: A crucial partnership for safety

An arc of electricity flashes through the air and captures the attention of first responders as they gather to watch a power line safety demonstration put on by Morgan County Rural Electric Association linemen. Mounted on a flatbed trailer, the 7,200-volt “Hotline” demonstration was designed and built by MCREA linemen to show what happens when […]
Tips to Stay Warm and Save Energy

Q: My winter energy bills are typically higher. Can you offer advice on how to lower bills during colder months?. A: Cold weather can increase energy use and bills since heating accounts for the highest wintertime energy consumption in most homes. The amount of energy used to heat your home depends on your equipment, how […]
First Gear Skid School

Teaching electric co-op crews how to stay safe on the road Orange traffic cones create a figure-eight track in a parking lot at the Adams County Fairground. It appears to be a rather standard driving school setup. But a 2007 navy blue Toyota Highlander SUV with an odd contraption hooked to the bottom sits in […]
Choosing the Right Air Purifier

Room air cleaners are effective along with a central unit Dear Jim: For my son’s allergies, I should also use a room air purifier even though we already have a heat pump filter. What are the features and ratings to compare when selecting one? — Sandy R. Dear Sandy: Selecting a room air purifier can […]
Is it Time for an HVAC Upgrade?

Heat pump technology has improved a lot over the past 10–20 years and can be up to 20% more efficient than traditional HVAC systems. Today, heat pumps can operate effectively in subzero weather by switching to electric resistance mode. In extreme cold climates, it may be worth investing in a dual-fuel system where propane or […]
Beat the Peak and Create a Better Grid

Q: What does “peak energy time” mean, and why should I use less energy at home? A: “Beat the peak” has become a common message as the demand for electricity grows year after year. Your electric co-op must deliver around-the-clock electricity to power your life. To understand why it is important for everyone to use […]
Consumer Guide to Stovetops

Q: I’m considering a new stovetop. Can you explain the different options available? A: I have found that most people who enjoy cooking have pretty strong opinions about their preferred fuel choice: gas or electric. Induction is growing in popularity as a newer option for home stovetops. According to a study completed by Electric Power […]