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Ensuring High-Quality Energy Efficiency Work

An energy auditor can help determine what work is really needed in your home. Credit: Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation

By Patrick Keegan

Your co-op’s energy advisor can help inspect completed work. Photo courtesy of Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation

There are many contractors performing high-quality energy efficiency work, but it’s smart to first figure out what you can do to ensure your contractors deliver the kind of quality you’re paying for.

The best quality assurance solution for most homeowners is to start with a home energy audit by a qualified and experienced energy auditor. Ask the auditor to specify the products and the quality standards for each recommended efficiency measure. The auditor can also help you by agreeing to inspect the finished work.

Using an auditor throughout your home energy upgrade will cost several hundred dollars, but it can pay off in a number of ways: you will know what work is truly needed, and you can prevent poor quality or incomplete work. Your electric co-op may offer a free or discounted audit by one of its energy advisors, or it may have a list of trusted energy auditors in the area. In some areas, there are home performance contractors experienced in whole home energy efficiency upgrades who can perform the energy audit themselves and then complete the work.

Once you have a clear idea and a description of the work that needs to be done, you need to identify contractors. Some co-ops offer financial incentives and know of contractors who have experience or training with energy efficiency.

The energy auditor can help you with questions to ask potential contractors.

Make sure to do plenty of research before fully engaging a contractor:

Fiberglass batts perform better if measured and cut properly. Photo Credit: Jack Amick.

Once you choose a contractor, make sure you and the contractor agree on the written description of the work to be performed, the expected timeframe for completion and the price. If the contractor insists on providing an estimate rather than a firm bid, you should discuss what might cause the final bill to be higher than quoted. Some common areas of tension between contractors and their customers are also worth discussing:

It’s best not to pay the contractor until work is completed and inspected. You and the energy auditor should both inspect the work. Your co-op’s energy advisor may also be able to inspect or give you advice for what to look for. For example, is the window flashing installed correctly? Are the ducts sealed properly?

Finally, if you have a good experience with a contractor, pass the information along to friends and neighbors, or write a helpful review. As you know, a good home contractor can be hard to find.

This column was co-written by Pat Keegan and Amy Wheeless of Collaborative Efficiency. For more information on ensuring quality energy efficiency work, please visit: or email Pat Keegan at

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