June 2024 Funny Stories

Our daughter speaks Russian and has taught her daughter a few Russian words. But when our daughter speaks full Russian sentences to three-year-old Odessa, Odessa has no idea what is being said.

One day while we were feeding our chickens with Odessa, one chicken kept squawking right in her face. My husband said, “Wow! That chicken is sure talking! What do you think she’s saying?”

Odessa replied matter-of-factly: “She’s speaking Russian.”

Alicia Riley,
Grand Junction Grand Valley Power member


My grandson, Grayson, has a job every day at preschool. Last month he told his mom he was the “pledge leader.” He said he got to hold the flag, put his other hand over his heart, and count down to recite the pledge. When his mom started reciting it with him, he said, “Oh wow, you know my school pledge?”

Dave Munns,
Colorado Springs Mountain View Electric Association member


My two granddaughters were spending a week with me during their spring break. I thought it would be fun for them to see the Navy Band performance at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, so I got tickets for the three of us to go to the show. While we were waiting in line for the doors to open, my six-year-old granddaughter shouted, “There sure are a lot of grandmas here!” Another grandma in front of us turned around and said, “Honey, that’s because the tickets were free!”

Charlotte Boylan,
Grand Junction Grand Valley Power member