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June Poetry 2024


Many awakenings coming alive
Ready to burst, ready to take flight.
Feelings, emotions unexpectedly thrive
Like many fuses ready to ignite.
The sun tracing its path across the sky
Gliding upon time; equaling day to night
Ever moving; shining above on high
Wanes as the day reaches its longest light.
Nature strokes her winter white canvas
Dripping droplets from the heavens above
Dabbing the blades of the fresh green grasses
Splashing color into the flowers we love.
In the midst of the landscape not always seen
A symphony of creatures for every scene
From the mountain tops to the lowest ravine
Nature’s concertos; harmonies unforeseen.
How do you cast yourself in springtime play?
Do you plunge in and flounder and flail about
Or gracefully dive and swim a medley relay?
No doubt, a part of both is in each new tryout.

Linda Morrow, Bellvue Poudre Valley REA member


The Wolf

The wolf prowls in the night
Beneath the moon’s dim light
Leaving footprints in the white
He comes to bring a fright.

Sylvia Rose Murdoch, age 8, Mountain Parks Electric member


The Wind

The wind is endless
and life never ends.
Wherever you come from
is where you will end.
And when you are there
you will feel loved
in many different ways.

Lauralei Grondahl, age 7, Mountain View Electric member


Poem About Flowers

Petals grasping at the sun
Reaching for a little fun.
Sprawling ’cross the wild fields or
slumped up in a crystal vase
Altogether they cheer the globe
with a pleasant grace.
Each one has a meaning to define
Crab blossoms are ill-natured,
unable for one to refine.
Hollyhock is ambition
While Heliotrope is devotion.
Radiant as a star shining in the
Each one brings a blessing or a curse.
Elegant in their own way
Are the flowers we take for granted
every single day.

Daelyn Dubisky-Seiler, age 15, Granddaughter of YVEA member Cathy Dubisky

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