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March 2024 Funny Stories

hands in a mixing bowl

I was going to have my 5-year-old son help mix up some bread dough. As he put his hands in butter, I asked him if he washed his hands. He replied, “No, because I thought I might leave soap on the dough.” I wasn’t sure what I would rather have in my bread: soap or what was on his hands from being outside.

Shayla King,
Grand Valley Power member


We were planning a trip to Illinois to visit relatives. We stopped in Saint Louis to meet up with some friends for a cruise on the Mississippi River. We had the bottom half of a cargo box placed on top of the minivan and hadn’t yet filled it or placed the top half on. When my 4-year-old daughter saw it, she exclaimed, “Is that the boat for our cruise?”

Michelle Stevens
Mountain View Electric Association member


My 6-year-old granddaughter was visiting, and we were getting ready for bed. I told her we would set the alarm for 7 a.m. I mentioned that it was early for her, as it would only be 6 a.m. at her house. She asked what I meant by that. I explained that we were going to bed in the Central time zone, but that she lived in the Mountain time zone, which was an hour behind us. She said, “I don’t live in the mountains. I don’t know why they don’t call it ‘country time’ because I live in the country.”

Lynda Goodrich
Southeast Colorado Power Association member

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