In This issue of colorado country life

Capturing Curiosity
"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most...
Award-Winning Chili
We are only days away from welcoming spring. But any Coloradan knows that March can be as tricky as a...
Electrical Safety: Grounding 101
Q: What is grounding, and why is it important? A: Many people believe if an electrical device is working, then...
Co-ops Innovate with Energy Storage Solutions
Like every electric utility in Colorado, your local electric cooperative is managing a lot of change right now. State policies...

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Reader Photo Of THe Month

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Congrats to the March 2025 Winner!

Ebony and Rain, grandchildren of Steve and Debbie Cantril, take a break from a Disney cruise and enjoy the magazine in Cozumel, Mexico. Steve and Debbie are Sangre de Cristo Electric members.

Participating Colorado Electric Cooperatives