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San Isabel Electric Feature Story

Seats to Success

Schools do not always have the proper means to make dances, graduations, assemblies, and sporting events as grand and inclusive as they deserve to be. Branson School District, located in rural Las Animas County, is no different.

The district was struggling to host students and their families at large gatherings. Sometimes there was standing room only for events lasting several hours. Mismatched seating didn’t reflect the community pride and school spirit. The school had to rent chairs to scrape together enough seating for major events.

The district wanted to purchase their own uniform set of chairs for the school and the community, but cost was a barrier to making it happen. Branson School District Principal Tammie Mack reached out to the San Isabel Electric Association Board of Directors with an idea to overcome the challenge. These chairs — “seats to success,” as Mack calls them — would encourage interaction and building relationships between different age groups across the entire student body, and also with their guests.

Graduations allow parents, grandparents, and students the rare opportunity to gather under the same roof to be recognized for academic achievements in front of peers and loved ones.

“The fact we have high school seniors, eighth grade students, and kindergartners all participating and receiving diplomas makes this event so unique,” Mack said.

Mack went on to explain that staff work tirelessly to facilitate dances, assemblies, and sporting events. These events matter because they give students the opportunity to enjoy time with their friends outside of a classroom.

SIEA answered their call and granted $2,500 to help purchase the chairs. With the chairs on the way, Mack said she’s beyond excited to elevate the professionalism of district events. “[A] huge thank you to SIEA. We feel so incredibly blessed to have received such a kind gesture of assistance.”

Visit siea.com/donations to learn more about SIEA’s donation program.

sie donation impact report march 2025

Author: Trevor Vigil